Trump Pledges To Eliminate Department Of Education If Re-elected

In a bold move to reshape American education, former President Donald Trump declared on Saturday his intention to shut down the federal Department of Education should he be elected for a second term. This announcement was made during his speech at the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s “Road to Majority” conference in Washington, DC.

“I will shut down the federal Department of Education and we will move everything back to the states where it belongs and where they can individualize education and do it with the love for their children,” Trump stated emphatically to an enthusiastic audience.

Trump’s proposal to dismantle the federal education department has been a recurring theme throughout his political career, resonating deeply with his conservative supporters. In a recent interview on Fox and Friends, Trump reiterated his commitment to this plan, explaining that his administration would “cut the Department of Education” and delegate its responsibilities to state and local governments. He emphasized that this change would be implemented “immediately” after taking office, noting that the urgency of COVID-19 had previously delayed this initiative during his first term.

Many conservatives have praised Trump’s approach, arguing that the federal Department of Education has become bloated with excessive spending and has served as a vehicle for promoting leftist political agendas in schools. They believe that decentralizing control will lead to more effective and tailored educational outcomes, as local authorities better understand the unique needs of their communities.

Trump highlighted the inefficiencies he perceives within the federal education system, stating, “The states know better how to educate their children and should be free from federal mandates that stifle innovation and impose one-size-fits-all solutions.”

The proposal to abolish the Department of Education will undoubtedly be a central issue in Trump’s campaign, reflecting his broader agenda of reducing federal government over America’s youth.