Trump Campaign Demands Apology From Biden For ‘Cheap Fake’ Accusations

The Trump campaign has called on President Joe Biden to apologize for promoting a false narrative about so-called “cheap fake” videos, declaring it was an attempt to deceive Americans regarding Biden’s declining health.

Karoline Leavitt, the Trump campaign’s national press secretary, accused the Biden Administration of misleading the public by alleging that videos of Biden were digitally altered to make him appear worse than he is. The term “cheap fake” was introduced by the Biden campaign, which asserted that such videos were a key part of Trump’s strategy.

“Everyone sees there’s NOTHING fake about Biden’s decline,” Leavitt wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “It’s only been a week since our fantastic team @TrumpWarRoom & @RNCResearch were wrongly accused of editing ‘cheap fakes’ to make Biden look bad. The Democrats, and of course, their mouthpieces in the Fake News, peddled this ridiculous lie.”

Leavitt demanded an apology following Biden’s performance in Thursday night’s debate, where the president had several noticeable stumbles. Former President Trump remarked during the debate, “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either.”

“We actually had to spend time fighting ‘journalists’ on this ridiculous narrative and telling them Americans can believe their own eyes!” Leavitt continued. “Now everyone sees there’s NOTHING fake about Biden’s decline. We were right and simply sharing the TRUTH!”

The Trump campaign is urging Biden to apologize to the American people, accusing his administration of participating in “the greatest coverup in U.S. political history.” Leavitt also criticized the mainstream media for allegedly covering up Biden’s mental state to protect the Democratic Party and ensure Trump doesn’t win the election.

In response to Leavitt’s demands, the Biden campaign issued a statement to Fox News Digital, accusing Trump of spreading lies. “Trump lied countless times during the debate… in real life and on the internet,” the spokesperson said. “Trump lied Thursday about whether he called fallen soldiers suckers and losers, and he’s still triggered that mainstream media fact-checkers called out his cheap fakes. So sure, we will amend our previous statement: Trump is not just a liar he is also a pathetic loser.”

The Biden campaign did not acknowledge accusations that Biden lied during the debate.