Political Points

Political Points brings all the news from Capitol Hill to you. With frequent updates, Political Points covers pressing issues important to you and your family, such as the latest legislation concerning right to life, immigration, crime, keeping jobs in America, the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, and more. If you’re looking for news centered on American values, Political Points will fill that need.

Combined with the general news of Daily Broadcast, Republican Wire focuses on political actions that affect your family and community in Political Points. Political Points focuses on covering legislation that can affect your rights, including your right to worship freely.

Debate Watchers Stunned By Biden’s Performance: ‘I Never Thought He Would Be This Bad’

President Joe Biden's performance in the first 2024 presidential debate left many viewers in shock and dismay. Facing off against former President Donald Trump...

BlackRock Leveraged Oklahoma Pension Funds To Push Racial and Climate Agendas, Report Reveals

Asset management giant BlackRock has used Oklahoma’s pension funds to promote racial and climate agendas, according to a report by the conservative watchdog group...

Former Soldier Claims COVID Vaccine Caused Debilitating Heart Condition, Army Memo Supports Claim

A former U.S. Army soldier, Karoline Stancik, alleges that a mandated COVID-19 vaccine caused her debilitating heart condition, leading to the end of her...

Discovery Of Uncounted Ballots In Lynchburg Sparks Election Controversy

Lynchburg, Virginia, is at the center of an election controversy after the city's registrar discovered seven uncounted ballots in a drop box three days...

Former Trump NatSec Adviser Outlines Measures To Avert War With China

Robert O’Brien, who served as national security adviser under former President Donald Trump, provided a detailed strategy to prevent a potential conflict with China...

Trump Pledges To Eliminate Department Of Education If Re-elected

In a bold move to reshape American education, former President Donald Trump declared on Saturday his intention to shut down the federal Department of...

Musk Stands Firm On Free Speech Amid Advertiser Pressure

Tech mogul Elon Musk has defended his stance on free speech, emphasizing his commitment to maintaining an open platform despite pressure from major advertisers....

Winklevoss Twins Donate $1 Million In Bitcoin To Trump Campaign

The Winklevoss twins, founders of the cryptocurrency firm Gemini, have thrown their support behind Donald Trump's presidential campaign, each donating $1 million in Bitcoin....

Former Whitmer Aide Turned GM Lobbyist Raises Concerns Over EV Funding

George W. Cook III, who was instrumental in advancing Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's billion-dollar funding initiative for electric vehicle (EV) projects, has now assumed...

Ryanair CEO Calls Asylum System A ‘Scam,’ Criticizes Influx Of Undocumented Migrants

Michael O’Leary, CEO of Ryanair, has sharply criticized the asylum system, calling it a "complete scam" and arguing that many claiming refugee status are...

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