Brent Bozell Discusses Media Bias On ‘Life Liberty & Levin’ Post-Biden Debate

On Saturday night’s episode of “Life Liberty & Levin,” Mark Levin hosted Media Research Center’s Brent Bozell to discuss the aftermath of President Joe Biden’s debate performance. Levin introduced Bozell as the ideal guest to analyze the media’s handling of Biden’s apparent cognitive decline.

Levin noted that outlets like CNN and MSNBC mocked Fox News and conservative media for criticizing Biden’s debate performance. Bozell argued that the media’s dishonesty had been exposed. During the debate, many on the left were reportedly shocked by what they saw, while conservatives felt vindicated, having long warned about Biden’s age and capacity to serve as president. According to Bozell, the media is now in a state of panic, realizing that their positive portrayal of Biden was misleading.

Levin and Bozell also discussed the potential younger Democratic candidates, such as Vice President Kamala Harris and California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D). Levin emphasized the need for media corporations to reform from the top down. He criticized the media for pushing Biden as a viable candidate when many believed he posed a danger to America due to his declining faculties.

Bozell highlighted the post-debate analysis where media figures received calls from Democratic leaders advocating for Biden to step down. He pointed out that these media figures acknowledged the internal Democratic spin against Biden.

Following a commercial break, Levin compared Biden’s debate performance with that of former President Donald Trump, noting Trump’s vigor and preparedness. Levin emphasized how Trump appeared much younger and more energetic than Biden, effectively exposing Biden’s frailty. Bozell praised Trump’s preparation and presidential demeanor, noting his significant improvement since the first 2020 debate.

Bozell also highlighted the bias in the debate questions, which he claimed were skewed against Trump. Despite the imbalance in questioning, Bozell felt Trump performed well and managed to stay on message, showcasing his readiness and confidence.